Business opportunity by Market Size
Market size calculations assess a business opportunity at a certain point in time or over successive periods. The TAM (Total Addressable Market) measures the size of a market that a service/product is in (inclusive of all competition). This post explores a model for calculating market size while highlighting potential risks and improvements to the analysis.
Estimating NPU (Neural Processor Unit) Market Size
NPUs are slowly gaining ground in the mobile processor market and it would be interesting to forecast the uptake of these chips over the next five years. Applications for NPUs in mobile continues to increase alongside advances in NN (Neural Networks) algorithms and ML applications (Speech to Text, Face/Voice Recognition, Digital Assistant). The image below shows my back of the envelope calculation for the TAM in USD over the next five years.
The math here is quite dry but what makes these calculations interesting are the different assumptions and approaches that you can make when concluding on a value. Here’s how I came up with the TAM:
Increase of 2% per year for proportion of phones incorporating an NPU. This was an arbitrary decision and scales to 15% in 2024.
Risks to the Model